Sri Baba Marley Jones Is Alive! Podcast Artwork Image

Sri Baba Marley Jones Is Alive!

Sri Baba Marley Jones

In 1997, Sri Baba Marley Jones burst onto the underground music scene in Washington DC. A combination of minister showman, beat poet, shaman, and mysterious multicultural artist, Sri Baba took the local scene by storm. The unexpected notoriety he achieved in the underground world of art and politics caught him off guard, and he fled even deeper underground and went into total isolation and obscurity. "I got scared because I had a premonition of where the world of entertainment was going but I also had a premonition of where the world was heading, and I wanted out."

Over the next twenty five years, Sri Baba Marley Jones released a low fi children's album, but never returned to public performing. This podcast marks the return of Sri Baba Marley Jones.

"In my mind, this is the right time for me to reemerge. This podcast is a calling card for things to come. And by the love of God, things are coming."